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ballantine’s years old
百龄坛17年  detail>>
years old
“你问他 假如你找不到一个20 是否要和两个10 岁的女人  detail>>
巴兰坦  detail>>
19 years old
十九岁  detail>>
26 years old
二十六岁  detail>>
about forty years old
年许四十  detail>>
about thirty years old
三十岁上下  detail>>
advanced in years; old
年尊  detail>>
live to be 200 years old
活到200岁  detail>>
nineteen years old forever
永远十九岁  detail>>
old in years but young in vigour
年纪老但精力却像年轻人一样旺盛  detail>>
old parr years, scotland
老伯威威士忌  detail>>
over 18 years old
色狼辣手摧花  detail>>
over fifty years old
多岁  detail>>
over years old
有超过200年的历史  detail>>
rising two-years old
未满两岁驹  detail>>
sixty-five years old
六十五岁  detail>>
the deal is 18 years old
十八岁的约定  detail>>